tell your story.
Writing Coach
A full array of editing and coaching services to help you write, edit, and publish your memoir or nonfiction book.
Researched personal profile articles for business and academia: employee tributes, introductions, academic citations, and digital & print marketing.
Full-service editing solutions, including end-to-end web copy, K-12 curricula, marketing collateral, and English translation clean-up.
What my colleagues say about me. Please visit my author coaching, writing, and editing pages to see client testimonials.
Gillian is tremendously gifted at reading and feeling the spirit of a story. She can cut to the heart of the author’s intent and lend a guiding hand to clarify voice and make the story sing. Gillian treats the work with respect and the author with compassion.
Kristin Geenty, President, The Geenty Group
Gillian is a force of nature. She’s got great energy, and she passionately cares about you.
Tama Kieves, Life Coach
Gillian is the writing Jedi Master!
Yngrid Gonzalez-Feeney, Spanish Instructor
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello & Welcome
Let me tell you a little about what I do and how I might be of service to you.
Coaching Services
Here's what it would look like to take advantage of all of my coaching services together.
My Approach
What I bring to the table and how I approach working with my clients.
The Full-service Coaching Client
Learn what I mean by a ``Full-service Client.`` Does this package sound like a fit for you and your book project?
My Experience & Credentials
Learn how and where I developed my expertise in writing, editing, teaching, and coaching.
Canine Shenanigans: An Outtake
Meet Betty, who wanted me to make a video about her. I come across as serious at times, but I have a lighthearted side and love to laugh!
Travel Writing Tips and Advice from a Writing Coach
Guest: Gillian Culff
In this 20-minute interview on Jay Artale’s podcast, “How Travel Writers Self-Publish,” I talk about a range of subjects applicable to writers of memoir and creative nonfiction (not only travel writers), including the most common mistake made by bloggers and newsletter writers who collect their posts into a book, the importance of authenticity in memoir, the value of creative writing workshops, and how working with a writing coach can help you develop thin areas and trim details that don’t contribute to the narrative.
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.
Let's work together!